5. make 20 beautiful photos (maak 20 mooie fotos) [1/20]
10. clean out my iTunes list (mijn iTunes lijst uitkuisen)
15. read 50 books (50 boeken lezen) [2/50]
Percy Jackson II & Speelgoed (translation is toys)
Percy Jackson II & Speelgoed (translation is toys)
18. watch 75 good movies(75 goede films zien) [3/75]
Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows & 7 Things to do Before I'm 30 & Wild Child
Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows & 7 Things to do Before I'm 30 & Wild Child
53. go 25 times to the movies (25 keer naar de cinema gaan) [1/25]
Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows
Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows
I know I didn't do that much yet, but in a few weeks I have Christmass Holiday!